Email bridge
made by

The Email bridge installed by us is powered by postmoogle.

With Postmoogle, you can:


Create a room and invite (or if your server was installed before October 2023). When it joins, type !pm help in the chat to see instructions

  1. Send !pm mailbox yourmailbox to the bridge bot
  2. Now you can receive emails to and send emails using the !pm send command
  3. Send !pm dkim to the bridge bot and copy the signature from the bot response
  4. Add new DNS record with type = TXT, key (subdomain/from): postmoogle._domainkey.matrix and value: signature copied from the !pm dkim response

After that we recommend to verify email deliverability using online services like, Note that even if your configuration is perfect, you still will have deliverability issues due to high centralization around big email services (e.g., Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.)

If you need assistance

Before seeking help, make sure to thoroughly review the documentation. If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to contact bridge's support. Please note that Customer Support exclusively handles server-related inquiries. For any questions related to the bridge, please reach out to bridge's support.

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