Stable Updates Published
Stable Updates Published
- IRC (heisenbridge) 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1
- Uptime Kuma 1.19.3 -> 1.19.4
- Languagetool 6.0-dockerupdate-1 -> 6.0->dockerupdate-2
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stability branch
Service Updates
- The Scheduler got new features: an automatic Alert mode that sends alerts into matrix rooms and by email, and the new disk command. The new version was released before that announcement, so you may have already seen it in action and some issues with duplicated alerts and odd summaries. Sorry for the inconvenience, we solved all those problems
- we’re rolling out our docker registry to minimize issues with common public registries like GitLab. In the first phase (the current one) we migrated all docker images into that registry, so during the maintenance they will be downloaded from there, instead of the public registry. During the next phase, we’ll configure mirroring of all images used by our customers, so all of them will be downloaded from’s registry without exceptions
Don't have a Matrix server yet?
We specialize in setup, hosting and maintenance of Matrix and various Matrix & non-Matrix add-ons.
Hosting is on affordable VPS servers provided by us (via Hetzner Cloud) in the EU or US,
or on your own infrastructure anywhere in the world.
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