Stable Updates Published
Stable Updates Published
- Element 1.11.54 -> 1.11.55
- Grafana 10.2.3 -> 10.3.1
- Sliding Sync 0.99.14 -> 0.99.15
Service Updates: Server Emails are sent through Exim from now on
Previously, when you ordered the SMTP Relay component we configured it for Synapse only because it was the only real email sender on matrix servers, but as we’ve extended the components we offer, some of them can send emails as well. We’ve reconfigured SMTP integration on all customers servers to use Exim for sending emails, and integrated it with all email-capable components by default
Don't have a Matrix server yet?
We specialize in setup, hosting and maintenance of Matrix and various Matrix & non-Matrix add-ons.
Hosting is on affordable VPS servers provided by us (via Hetzner Cloud) in the EU or US,
or on your own infrastructure anywhere in the world.
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