Stable Updates Published

Stable Updates Published

Service Update: New Component - Baibot

At, we haven’t been entirely happy with the state of AI / LLM integration into Matrix.

We’ve been offering the matrix-chatgpt-bot service to our customers, but we’ve found it rather limited because:

This provoked us to develop a more private and much more 🌟 featureful alternative - baibot. 🤖 As with everything we do, it’s released under the AGPLv3 license.

Existing customers can request the new baibot service by contacting us, while new customers can order it directly from our order form.

To learn more about the project and how to install the software against your own Matrix server, see the baibot project on Github.

Service Update: ChatGPT bot is Deprecated

The ChatGPT bot hasn’t been receiving fixes and new features for a long time, so we decided to deprecate it and offer Baibot as a replacement.

Service Update: Synapse-Admin Fork

Since day one, we’ve been offering Synapse-Admin as a core service. Over time, we identified several areas where small tweaks and enhancements could improve the user experience.

Little by little, we’be been making improvements or adopting and reworking existing upstream PRs, which have been stuck in review for long. We’re hoping that all our changes will eventually be accepted upstream and will make our fork obsolete.

For now, it seems like the original project has lost momentum, so we’ll continue maintaining our own fork, for the benefit of our customers

Here’s a list of the changes already implemented (full details here):

More updates are in the pipeline (check them here). A big thank you to the authors and contributors of the upstream project for providing such an outstanding tool!

Service Update: Goes Live

Our Synapse-Admin fork is now the default on all servers, updated with regular maintenance runs. However, if you’d like to check out the latest improvements before they’re installed on your server, we’ve launched This CDN-hosted version always features the latest commit from the fork repo.


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