Private Docker Registry
We deploy all components in Docker containers to ensure security, fast updates, and portability between different distributes and cloud providers. Alas, nowadays public container registries have various issues, such as:
- Rate limits - For example, Docker Hub has a limit of 10 pulls per hour for anonymous users.
- Unavailability - Sometimes, public registries are down, and you can’t pull the image you need. Unfortunately, this happens quite often.
- Bandwidth - Pulling images from public registries can be slow, especially when they experience high load.
- Restricted access - Public registries ban some countries by IP blocks, and when the banned IPs are reselled to cloud providers, you can accidentally get one of them, losing the ability to pull images from public registries. Unfortunately, you can’t know about it until you face the issue.
To solve these issues, we offer a private container registry service, which acts as a mirror for the public registries, but without the issues mentioned above. We mirror all images from the public registries we use, and you can pull them from our registry without any issues.
All servers we maintain or host automatically receive access and use our private container registry instead of the public ones.
Don't have a Matrix server yet?
We specialize in setup, hosting and maintenance of Matrix and various Matrix & non-Matrix add-ons.
Hosting is on affordable VPS servers provided by us (via Hetzner Cloud) in the EU or US,
or on your own infrastructure anywhere in the world.
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